REF:66-2104-5409413 - Timed exams

Your comment: Our written exams in the Modern Languages department are being held in a way that gives us the time of the exam to complete the paper within a 24-hour period. However, I understand that other departments are allowing either a week to complete the exam with a time limit on the exam itself, or a 24-hour period without a time limit on the paper. These are not normal circumstances and so exams cannot be carried out in the normal ways. Our lecturers have said that they will accept an emailed submission of our paper within 10 minutes after our official end time, which I do appreciate; however this does not cover all bases. If the WiFi goes out, we may not be able to email, and in some exams we are expected to use a dictionary which for the majority of students will be online. When relying on technology, we cannot simply assume it will be okay with something as important as our exams. With issues of WiFi and noise, it is imperative that we are able to choose an appropriate time for us to do the exam, and reducing the slot in which we have to choose reduces the chance of us finding an appropriate time. It does not seem fair that other departments are allowing the same flexibility as with the assignments but not all departments are following the same procedures for the exams. I hope you take this into consideration. Thank you.

Our response:

Many thanks for your comments regarding examinations in Modern Languages and apologies if there has been any confusion. An update on our revised examination procedures was sent out to all students on 19th April by email and this should answer your query.